Disclaimer: Jeff and Sue might, or might not have done, or not done any, all, or none of the following, nor do we approve or disapprove of you, your significant other, or anyone else you know, or don’t know, doing or not doing any, all, or none of the following.
10 - Think of new ideas for your travel blog
9 - Make rude comments about the driver in front of you until you can pass them
8 - Stop on the side of the road where there’s no pull off to take a pic, and then Honk at someone that stopped where there’s no pull off
7 - Re-program the navigational system to talk with a cool accent… perhaps British/English or Australian?
6 - Count and categorize road-kill
5 - If you see a road called “Buzzard Creek Road,” take it (it’s all about the experience)
4 - Pass a corvette and take a pic
3 - Passenger take a pic out the window without slowing down
2 - Driver take a pic out the window while the passenger holds the steering wheel
1 - Stop for a bathroom break, stop for a bathroom break, stop for a bathroom break…
The other 5 that couldn’t be in the top ten, due to the fact that it was the top 10!
1 - When driving at night, stop and go cow-tipping
2 - See how many different flowers you can photograph
3 - Take pic’s of welcome signs for every state you enter
4 - Turn off AC when going up inclines so your car won’t over-heat
5 - Don’t forget… it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey
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